Post the author and title of your novel.
The root words we have learned so far are: uni, bi, tri, quad, pent, philo, frater, bio, patr, mater, inter, ology, pre, post, and phobia.
1.) Find a word in your book that contains one of these root words. Write the sentence and tell us what the word means and how it relates to the book.
2.) Predict what you think will happen next in your novel!
I am currently reading The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. The word in my book that is a root word, is zoology. "My zoology thesis was a functional analysis of the thyriod gland of the three-toed sloth" (Martel 3). Zoology means the scientific study of animals, including characteristics, physiology, development, classification, etc. It relates to my book because Piscine, or Pi, is very interested in animals and visits a zoo. He describes its wonders and is in awe of its beauty. I think what will happen next in my novel is Pi will get a job at the zoo and transfer his knowledge of animals to the zoo. I say this, because Pi visits this zoo often and he has a major in religons and zoology. This makes sense, that I would think he would work at a zoo because of his love for animals and obvious knowledge of them.
I am reading Fang by James Patterson.
1) The root words in my book are pre and post "Colorado, that is, where we have lives, post-dog-crate but pre-world-saving-mission" (Patterson 63). It relates to this book because the character is talking about how they are living in Colorado after (or post) living in dog crates for most of their childhood and before(pre) they've saved the world. This quote sums up a lot of the plot of this series.
2) Further in my novel, i predict that the characters will save the world. I predict this because the quote above seems like it foreshadows the rest of the novel.
I've always wanted to read the Life of Pi!!! It sounds so interesting!!!!
KHouse5: Fang sounds so cool! Maybe I'll try reading it some day since you seem to enjoy it!
I am reading The Maze Runner by James Dashner. A word in my book containing one of the root words is claustrophobia. "An onrushing sense of claustrophobia stifled him, compressed his lungs, as if water filled their cavities" (Dashner 28). This relates to my book because the doors that separate the Maze from the Glade are closing, and the doors are actually walls so tall that you can't see the top, and it makes the main character Thomas trip out. It makes him feel claustrophobic. Thomas is just now going to bed after his first day in the Glade, so I think that tomorrow Alby, the leader, will start showing him around and explaining everything that he knows.
K House:
I still need to read Fang, Angel, Max, and the newest book Nevermore. Don't give any spoilers!
A Berryman5:
They're making a Life of Pi movie that comes out soon. The movie seems interesting, so let me know if the book is good.
My book that I am currently reading is called Dance Anecdotes Stories from the Worlds of Ballet, Broadway, the Ballroom, and Modern Dance by Mindy Aloff. The word that I found was bicycle. The story was that George Balanchine was asked to partner a lady by the name of Gerdt, so they sent him to find a costume for Swan Lake. “I am late. Please forgive me. It took a long time to find a costume, and when I got to the railroad station I could see only the end of the train vanishing into the distance. There was nothing for it but to borrow a bicycle from some people I know. After his 16-mile bicycle ride, he partnered Gerdt in the Swan Lake.” (page 46)
Next in my book I think that it will move on to more of what George Balanchine will do in the rest of his life. Maybe it will talk about his first company and what he would have to tell the mothers of many small children when they did not make it in the company.
ABerryman5: That book sound very good and makes me want to go down stairs and make myself a pie, but I am afraid of the oven right now.
Book: As Simple As It Seems
Author: Sarah Weeks
The word in my book is bike. "Looking at my bike, I thought about taking a ride, but where would I go?" Bike, means a two-wheeled object that moves in a cycling motion.
I predict that the main character, Verbie, will become really good friends with the boy who moves next-door. I can tell that even before she meets him, she doesn't like him, but in the future, I think he will come to be her friend and someone that she can rely on.
ABerryman: I REALLY want to read that book!! Where did you get it from?? Great blog by the way! :)
Book: It Only Looks Easy
Author: Pamela Curtis Swallow
1) "I look at the bicycle for a moment, noticing an I <3 NY sticker, held in place on the handlebar with candy-cane-striped reflector tape" (Swallow 13). Bicycle means a vehicle with two wheels in tandem, usually propelled by pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain, and having handlebars for steering and a saddlelike seat. This relates to the book because main character Kat borrows a bicycle to check up on her nearly-killed dog, at the city's vet hospital during school. The only problem is that while she skipped school, someone stole the bicycle she was borrowing.
2) I think that Kat will eventually find the person that stole the bike for a second time, and that her dog, Cheddar will eventually get well enough to come home.
MaceyD6: I really love As Simple As It Seems! Its about time you finally started reding it!!
I am currently reading 1984 by George Orwell. The word in my book is predict. "It was therefore necessary to rewrite a paragraph of Big Brother's speech in such a way as to make him predict the thing that had actually happened." (Orwell, 39). In the book, a man by the name of Big Brother is trying to erase the past to make everyone believe that his way is the best way. In order to make him seem all-seeing, he rewrote a speech and said that it was the speech he read before an event he was trying to predict, happened. Everyone believes him because all documents of his previous speech would get destroyed so there would be no proof that he ever said anything else. This is all being narrated by the main character Winston, who is in his office, working on erasing the old speech from history. I think what will happen next is that Winston will go to a two minute hate, which is when everyone gets together and watches a two minute video about a man who tried going against Big Brother. Everyone hates him because he was arousing trouble and trying to make the country a worse. I think this will happen because Winston has previously gone to such events after work.
ABerryman5: I heard that's a really good book, I want to read it!! By the way, nice blog.
I am reading Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen. The word in my book is "universe". The quote is “If chaos is a necessary step in the organization of one's universe, then I was well on my way.” The definition of the word is: all existing matter in space considered as a whole. This word relates to my book because it explains that the life of the main characters is extremely chaotic. I think that next in my novel, Bryce will end up falling for Juli. I think this because that is always what ends up happening in books where a boy and a girl hate eachother.
MaceyD6: That book sounds good! Do you know where I could find a copy?
Book: War Horse
Author: Michael Morpurgo
I have Finished Reading War horse By Michael Morpurgo just a day ago. I have found only one but its good, " my Old owner,Albert, use to own this thing he called a bicycle."(Pg. 24) A bicycle is a machine With two wheels used for transportation. This was probably a child's favorite toy or possession back then. Albert was a 12 year old kid so i can see how he would use it.
ABerryman5: that movie is coming out soon and i am really confused by the whole plot of the book.
JDevoe6: sounds like a good book since I've read it two times.
ABerryman5: I've herd of The Life of Pi. I think there is a movie comming out soon.
In the book I am currently reading, Then Again, Maybe I won't by Judy Blume, the word bicycle appears in a sentence on page 36. Bi, the prefix that literally means two in Latin, is coupled with "cycle" to describe an object with two wheels. This word realtes to the book because, in chapter 2, the main character Tony discovers that he's moving to Rosemont, Long Island. When the time comes for his family to start packing, Tony's father buys him a Red Schwinn Bike as a birthday present/ a gift to cheer him up. If I had to predict what will happen next in this novel, I would say that I think Tony makes friend at his new school in Long Island, but still comes to miss his old friends as well.
I read that book last year! It's really good, but kind of hard to follow.
I heard that James Patterson is a great author, but I haven't read any of his books yet.
I am currently reading Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. The root word in my book is interrupting. "There were footballs and basketballs lying all over the place, and boys sliding down the banister and leaping over tables and talking with their mouths full and interrupting everyone with endless questions"(Creech 46). This word means to stop or jump into ones conversation or act. It relates to my book because many interruptions appear in the book as Sal is on her journey to reunite with her mother.
I think the next thing that will happen in my book is that Sal and her grandparents reach Idaho where her mother is. However, I think Sal will find a note that has a message written on it from her mother. Earlier in the book Sal and her friend Phoebe had found notes and I'm expecting Sal to find another note from her mother.
ABerryman5: I have always wanted to read Life of Pi. It sounds really good!
The word that I found in my book, Eragon, by Christopher Paolini, was the word interrupted. '"Where did the elves come from?" Eragon interrupted.' This word relates to my book because the main character, Eragon, continuously interrupts Brom, a story teller who answers Eragon’s questions. Brom then learns that Eragon is keeping a dragon, and so he accompanies Eragon on a quest to avenge his dead uncle. I think that Eragon will kill the people who killed his uncle, but that Brom will die.
J DeVoe6-That's a good series! Also, good word!
The book I'm reading is May Bird by Jodi Lynn Anderson. This book contains the word arachnophobia, which has the root word, phobia. "Despite all I had been through, you wouldn't think my arachnophobia would prevent me from going up into the attic." (Anderson 45). Aranophobia is the fear of spiders. It relates to the book because even though May has gone through alot of losses and tragedies and faced them with courage, her fear of spiders is constantly getting in the way of her doing the simplest of things. Next in the book, I think May will listen to the mysterious letter she found and explore the swamp behind her house. If the letter is correct, I think there will be some sort of portal to the Underworld.
AMeling5: That's such a good book! One of my favorites!
I just started Eight Keys by Suzanne LaFleur. A word that includes one of our root words is interrupt. Interrupt means to stop something by saying or doing something. The sentence in the book is : "He would never interrupt while I am thinking," (LaFleur,11). This relates to the novel becuause Franklin, the main character's best-friend plays a big role in her life and always lets Elise talk. I think that the next thing that will hsppen in the book, is for Elise and Franklin to go up to her uncle's attic and find a secret key that was her father's before he died.
KaylaN5: That sounds like a great and interesting book.
The book that I am reading now is Amber House by Kelly Moore, Tucker Reed, and Larkin Reed. The word that I found is unison, in the sentence that says "we gasped in unison." on page 27. This word means that they all gasped as one, at one time. This word has to do with her dreams of women who lived in the Amber House before her, when they are the same people. I believe that later in the book that the main character, Sarah will confront her mother about her dead aunt, stop flirting with her relative, get back together with Richard, save the Amber House, and save the boat and horses. Her mother wishes to sell all of Amber House, which includes the boat and horses which she all ready sold earlier,and on the big party which Sarah's mother planned for her 16th birthday, was also so people could see the Amber House in its glory. During this time, she starts to dance with her relative, who is a cousin in a way (scandal of one of the earlier Amber House owners), and her bofriend Richard, comes and sees them dancing. He gets angry and storms off, and has not been seen ever since.
I am currently reading Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson. The root words in my book are bio and -ology. The sentence was, "However, I hated my biology class." (Patterson 38). Biology means the study of life. It kind relates to my book because it shows how Max and five children learn about humans' life. I think the Erasers will attack and fear six children again because the enemy called Ari always want to fight with Max.
AMeling5- I read that book. Read all the series and the movie.
I am currently reading Extras by Scott Westerfeld. The prefix mentioned in my book is pre and it is mentioned often. For example on page 388 the main character Tally says, “’Are you in some kind of clique that does pre-Rusty re-creations?”’ Since my book is placed in a dystopian future, they refer to the time we live in as the Rusties and the time before them was the pre-Rusties. This means they were before us, the Rusties. In Extras I think that Tally, Hiro and Frizz are going to be kidnapped. I am guessing this because they were just locked in a huge room. Then they were snowed on and their sneak suits aren’t working anymore. And right before I stopped reading it sounded like something was about to attack them.
Your book sounds really good!! Is it a series?
I'm reading The Angel Experiment which is part of the Maximum ride series by James Patterson. In this book the word biology is frequently used, talking about the gentics of the main characters who are part human and like 6% eagle, which gives them wings, superlight bones, makes them really strong, and they can eat tons of food like chicken. However, I just lost the book so I had to go online and find an Amazon sample text of the book, and pre is used on page 8 "Note to self: Give subconscious a pre-pep talk: better dreams." The main character, Max, is a teeny weeny bit I guess you could say abnormal, and talks to herself occasionally (a lot). The next thing I think will happen is Max is going to confront the scientists who originally trapped and tested them , and forced them to live n Dog crates.
ABerryman5: That book sounds really advanced! I wonder if it might have actually like taught people who read it about anatomy or something.
KHouse5: I'm reading the first book in that series. Fang sounds really interesting (the book), but I'm not even done with the first book yet.
The book I am currently is Point of Retreat is Colleen Hoover. A root word used is on page 89 when they are al a poem competition called Slam, "Layken, if any of the guys from my fraternity saw me," (Hoover 89). It relates to the book because the guy who said it is named Will and he is always trying to impress Layken so he included the part about being in a fraternity. Next I think that she will run into some friends outside of the club where the competition is and they will think it is weird that she is with him.
ABerryman5: I should read that before I see the movie.
The book I’m reading right now is Missing You by Meg Cabot. The word in my book that is a root word is posttraumatic. “Posttraumatic stress syndrome. Or PTSS. That’s what they called it, anyway” (Cabot 4). Posttraumatic stress syndrome is a disorder that occurs after one or more bad experiences where you have reoccurring dreams or thoughts/memories about those acts. In this case the main character Jess gets this disorder after going to war and watching both comrades and enemies alike get blown up. Unable to sleep she losses her powers of finding missing people which she received after being struck by lightning in the first book. (This is the 5th book and final book in the series) What I think is going to happen next in the book is that she has to find someone whether it be a friend or someone a friend asks her to find. Somehow she will have to get her powers back, though.
ABerryman5: My brother said that he read that book and that it was amazing!! I’ll have to read it before I see the movie.
I'm reading The Juvie Three by Gordon Korman. One word that uses those roots is uniformed. The army is uniformed because they all wear the same thing. It relates to this book because when Gecko is going to Roxanne's boat there men in uniforms that work on it. I think that the three boys will get to reckless and get their cover blown and send back to Juvie and jail.
ABerryman5-I didn't know that was a book now I'll have to read that before the movie comes out.
I am currently reading a book called The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley. The word I found that was repeated throughout the book was bicycle. “I hopped on my bicycle and rode off to the library.” A bicycle was the common mode of transportation because children were allowed to go wherever and whenever they wanted. I had just begun reading this story, and so far the main character Flavia has discovered a corpse in her garden. She calls the investigators, but they fail to crack the case other than suggest the victim may have been poisoned. Flavia has taken it upon herself to solve the mystery and is seeking clues to expose what happened. I think that the next part of the book will reveal Flavia’s father’s connection to the death of the stranger. I do not think that he killed the stranger, but there is something amiss about his behavior.
The book i am currently reading is Twisted by Halse Anderson. the first of the vocabulary words the author used was quartet. On page 11 she wrote "A jazz quartet was playing at the far end, close to the bar. A quartet is a method of instrumentation or vocal by 4 different sounds or voices to make a melodious music or song. It relates to my novel because it describes the scenery of the finish yard. What I think will happen later in my story is that Tyler's new physic will come back and bite him in the butt, maybe it will included lots of drama.
ABerryman5, i am going to rread that book! good post btw.
1.) In the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld he writes "So the orchids eventually die out, victims of their own success, leaving a wasteland behind. Biological zero." When Tally is on the run to the Smoke, she is found by the rangers that burn the invasive orchids. This sentence is said when one of the rangers is explaining why they are burning the flowers.
2.)I predict that Tally and David will save David's parents and friends, but during their rescue the special Circumstances will tell David about Tally's spy mission. At first, I believe that David will be hurt by her betrayal, but eventually he will understand the decision she had to make.
JDevoe6: I really want to read that book!
My book is The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. The word trident relates to the prefix tri- beacuse it has three points on it. Since Hazel is revealing her secrets about her older life, I think that the group will try to save her from death. They also will try to save her half brother, Nico.
I am reading Rising Storm by Erin Hunter. One word with a latin root is interaction. "His interaction with Sandstorm was obviously attracting attention from the other warriors"(Hunter 143) Interaction uses 'inter' or among, and action, meaning acting among or with someone. I think that next in my book that Fireheart's apprentice Cloudpaw, with regret going to live with Twolegs, or humans, and will want to come back to ThunderClan.
AMeling5: Oh my gosh!! I love that book! It is really good. All the other ones in the series are very good also.
ABerryman5, I've heard that book is really good. I really want to read it sometime.
The book I am reading is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
1) I found the word “interested” in my book. The root word inter means among or between, and interested means to be personally involved in or implicated. This is important to my book because the main character, Scout, finds it interesting that it seems like in first grade everything she knows gets her into trouble. Writing, reading, knowing about people’s social statuses and everybody she knows and listens to seem to push her into trouble and get her to be publically smacked with a ruler in front of her class. Scout is now deciding what to do, who to stand by, and begins to wonder when things will change for her and her family.
2) What I predict will happen next is mysteries shall be unmasked. The secret-tree-stasher will be caught in the act, Boo Radley will be seen for the first time in the novel, and Calpurnia might give Scout and her friends more myths to further raise their questions about what the true Maycomb is. They might also have a close call with the hot steams, and Scout will further struggle in the first grade with her teacher and class mates. I also predict that Scout’s dad, a lawyer, might get a costumer who is willing to pay a lot of money for Scout’s dad services. But something will take a sharp turn and the bright future that lay before the will float further and further away.
ABerryman5: I have heard a lot about that book and I would like to know your thoughts on it. Do you plan on watching the movie or will you wait until you finish the book?
I am reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. The word that found was precaution. "At least you aren't afraid of needles," he says. "This will inject you with a tracking device that will be activated only if you are reported missing. Just a precaution." (Roth 398) Precaution means a measure taken in advance to avert possible evil or to secure good results. This word relates to the book because it gives an example of how controlling the different factions, or areas, of the city are. Each faction has its own beliefs as to what causes a government to fall, like lack of honesty, peace, selflessness, courage, or knowledge. They focus on these different ideas and make them the center of their lives. All of the different factions are very strict about being loyal to the faction you choose. So, precaution shows how careful each of the factions are about controlling and keeping its members. I think that the main character, Tris, will pass the initiation process and be accepted into the Dauntless, or courage, faction. Also, I predict that Tris's relationship with Four the initiate trainer, will grow.
AStutz5: That seems like a really good book!I want to read it really badly, and great blog.
This week I am reading The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. The root word in my book is pre. "Klaus took Violet's other hand, and Sunny took Klaus's other hand,and in that manner the three Baudelaire children-the Baudelaire orphans, now- were led away from the beach and from their previous lives." (Snicket 10). Previous means to come or occur before something. This relates to my book because it helps to show the readers how much the Baudelaire children's lives are going to change once their mansion burned down and both of their parents had died in the fire. I predict that Violet, Klaus, and Sunny will have to go live somewhere else and have to learn how to accustom to a new way of life
LWoodward5: Sounds like a great book! Is it anything like the Hunger Games?
I am currently reading the book Need by Carrie Jones. The root word was phobia and the word was Phobophobie. “I have Phobophobia, the fear of phobias.” Zara White, the main character, collects phobias, she has all types and they get it the way sometimes. I believe that she will have to overcome her worst phobia to get through whatever happens.
ABerryman5: That sounds like such a good book!
I am reading the book The Lightning Theif by Rick Riordan. One of the words in my book that has a root words is mythology. "I ran through the D names from Greek mythology" (Riordan 70). Mythology is the study of Greek myths and this book is based on these myths, it is filled with gods and demons. Percy, the main character, has just arrived at summer Camp Half-Blood. It is considered the only safe place for him to be, especially after defeating the menotaur. I think that next in the book, Percy will start to understand what is going on. I predict his best friend Grover will explain who exactly Percy is.
The word was Phobophobia, not Phobophobie
The book I am reading is If I Stay by Gayle Forman. "That the standing-here-watching part was temporary, an intermission before the bright light and the life-flashing-before-me business that would transport me to wherever I'm going next." I found the word intermission and that means a pause or break ; in the beginning an accident occurs and she thinks she is dead and she thinks her watching it is an intermission before she passes. I think she will live and her family might be seriously injured or even worse.
@Aberryman5: that seems like a cool book.
I am currently reading the book the Hunger Games by, Susan Collins. What I think will happen next is that Katniss will go into the cornucopia to get the bag that they need to survive to help Peeta survive even though Peeta tells her not to go. The word in my book that is a root word is, antibiotic. "I don't care what you say, I need to get the antibiotic from the cornucopia." This is when Peeta was cut from a sword and he needed medicine to heal it and it would help clean all the bacteria around the cut.
I am currently reading the book Elephant Run by Roland Smith. My root word I have found in my book is triday. "Miss Pretty did a lot of leaning on the triday trip to the plantation." I found this on page 7. In the sentence, triday means three- day trip. This relates to my book because the elephant, Miss Pretty, is one of the main animals referred to in this book and she had to lean when riding on the back of the truck so when it turned it did not tip over. They usually traveled for three days to get to the plantation. I think what will happen next in my novel is the main character, Nick Freestone, will start to have a bond with his father and his father's side of the family again and begin to have a love for elephants.
ABerryman5- That seems like a really good book! I will have to read it sometime! Nice post!:)
TCummings6- I've read that book before! It is really good! Nice blog!
I am currently reading Cherub Mission 1: The Recruit authored by Robert Muchamore. I found a word in my book using inter, intersection. Intersection means a junction. James talks about stopping at an intersection. I think that James is going to try to get to Lauren and make friends in the foster home place.
TCummings6:I remember I read that book in 6th grade.
I am currently reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. The quote found was, "She gazed at me for while, and when I looked st her I felt as if maternal instincts were gone forever (Collins 35)." In this part of the story Katniss is at her mother for what done. I think that later in the story, Kstniss and mother will become closer and that Katniss will treat her mother better.
ABerryman5: I love that book! great choice!
The book I am reading is If I Stay by Gayle Forman. I think a possible theme statement could be: Life is too short so, make the best of it. I choose this because in the book the character is in a life or death situation. She starts to re-evaluate her life in flashbacks. I think that she is really young only being a teenager and that life really is too short and everyone should live it to the fullest.
VGomez6:That is a really good book good theme to match it.
The theme of “Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie” by Alan Bradley is: Always strive for greatness. The main character Flavia has taken it on herself to solve a murder case. She stumbled upon a dead body in her garden. The investigators struggled to solve the case, but to no avail. It is obvious that she dedicates herself to finding the answer. Flavia has to go behind her father’s back to solve a case he might be involved in and break into an important place that could give her a clue as to who the murderer was. She did not have any doubts of the self-demeaning kind. She did what she had to do to crack the unsolved mystery.
LScamacca6: I read that book. Love It! The series is amazing.
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