Monday, January 7, 2013

Blog #14, DUE: January 11th, 2012

Post the author and title of your novel.

Vocabulary:  Find four words in your novel that you do not know well.  List those four words. 
Next, choose one of those four words, write the sentence that contains that word from your novel, and then look the word up.  Write the definition of this word.


Ms. J. Thomas said...

I am reading "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel.

4 words I don't know: tremulous, ungulates, redoubtable, agnostics

I'm choosing "ungulates," and the sentence from the novel reads: "We passed birds, bears, apes, monkeys, ungulates, the terrarium house, the rhinos, the elephants, the giraffes."

Ungulate means "having hooves; resembling hooves; hooflike"

KBelvin5 said...

I am reading Cat among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie.
Four Words that I do not know well: truant, tabulate, audacity, and dailies.
I am choosing truant in the sentence that says "Perhaps the girl herself was playing truant."
Truant means a student who stays away from school without any permission.

KHouse5 said...

I am reading Nevermore by James Patterson.

Four words that I don't know well are:
raving, theatrics, grating, conspiratorial.

"He flashed a conspiratorial grin. So cease and desist bud" (Patterson 120).
Conspiratorial means an evil or treacherous plan, act, or purpose.

KHouse5 said...

The title sounds very interesting! Great job on the blog too, i now know what truant means.

J DeVoe6 said...

I am reading The Kill Order by James Dashner. Four words that I did not know were accosted, coalition, hemorrhaging, and visage. I'm choosing accosted, which is used in the sentence "Alec and Lana are right ahead of them, moving quickly, passing the thugs who accosted them,..."(Dashner 174). Accosted means "approach and address boldly or aggressively".

J DeVoe6 said...

K House5:
I'm glad I know what conspiratorial means. Now I can sound smart when saying I'm planning something mischievous! And when you finish Nevermore, can I borrow it?

K Belvin5:
Cat Among the Pigeons is one of the strangest titles I have ever heard, and tabulate is a funny word.

ABerryman5 said...

I am reading Nevermore by James Patterson.

4 words I don't know are: complacency, materialized, epitaph, conspirational

I'm choosing "complacency" and the sentence from the novel is: "It had been genetically manipulated for a satisfaction amount of plumpness and complacency." (Patterson 82).

Complacency means "the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself"

ABerryman5 said...

KHouse5: Funny, we're reading the same book:) I really love the Maximum Ride series! Good job on your blog!

HLee6 said...

I am currently reading the Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.
Four words that I do not understand are: galleys, grisette,unabridged, and extortionate.
I'm choosing extortionate in the sentence that says "Fantine is unaware that they are abusing her daughter and using her as forced labor for their inn, and continues to try to meet their growing, extortionate and fictitious demands."
Extortionate means grossly excessive.

HLee6 said...

I have read all the series. It is one of my favorite series.

KBelvin5 said...

KHouse5:Your book sounds cool!

MLangston5 said...

I am reading The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Four words I don't know: westering, furrier, unimpeachable, lamented
I chose unimpeachable: '"That is Mr. Bagginsa hobbit of good family and unimpeachable reputation," said Gandalf'
unimpeachable:above suspicion; impossible to discredit; impeccable.
HLee6: wow i didnt know that that was a book! The movie sounds awesome too.

KaylaN5 said...

The book I'm currently reading is Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari. Four words I've found that I don't know are: tarmac, upheaval, chafed, and obliterated. I'm using the word chafed in the sentence that says "The weight of the heavy bag chafed her sore muscules." Chafed means to wear or abrade by rubbing.

KHouse5: That book is definently one of my favorites!

DO'malley6 said...

Book: phantoms in the snow
Author: Kathleen Benner Duble

I am reading Phantom In The Snow by Kathleen Benner Duble.

The four words I don't know are: incongruity, makeshift, gangplank, and convoluted.

I'm choosing "convoluted" and the sentence reads: " It's convoluted, with twists and turns and dangers that no one can know."(duble 157)

Convoluted means twisted; coiled or
complicated; intricately involved:

AVellis6 said...

The book that I am currently reading is Crossed by Ally Condle. The four words that I don’t really know are teems, totalitarian, gingerly, hesitate.
Teem: to abound or swarm; be prolific or fertile (usually followed by with )
Obsolete. to be or become pregnant; bring forth young
verb (used with object)
Obsolete. to produce (offspring)
Totalitarian: of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life
exercising control over the freedom, will, or thought of others; authoritarian; autocratic
Gingerly: with great care or caution; warily
cautious, careful, or wary
Hesitate: to be reluctant or wait to act because of fear, indecision, or disinclination
to have scruples or doubts; be unwilling
to pause
to falter in speech; stammer
The Bee’s teemed around their hive to protect it from the black bear.
North Korea has a totalitarian government.
I had to gingerly pull on my new leotard when getting ready for dance class so that I would not risk ripping it.
The purpose of rehearsing a dance is so that when you get to the performance you know exactly what you are doing and don’t hesitate on stage.

Avellis6 said...

KBelvin5: Do you like that book?

AVellis6 said...

Khouse5: Is that the new book from James Patterson? Is it a good book?

MalloryD6 said...

I am reading Breaking Dawn, by Stephanie Meyer.
4 Words I don't know: defection, infinitesimal, preemptive, incognito.
I am choosing "infinitesimal " and the sentence reads: "His eyebrows moved an infinitesimal bit, then his lips."
Infinitesimal means indefinitely or exceedingly small; microscopic

MalloryD6 said...

KBelvin5: That book is full of REALLY good words... not to mention its a really great book! :)

MaceyD6 said...

I am reading "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks.

Four Words I Don't Know: Endearment, humble, torque, and engorging.

I'm choosing engorging, or engorge, and the sentence is: "With every passing minute, he knew, the rain was engorging the creek."

Engorging, or engorge, means: "to swallow greedily; glut or gorge".

MaceyD6 said...

HLee6: I can't wait to see the movie!! Great blog! :)

KPrindle6 said...

I am currently reading the Last Song by Nicholas Sparks.
4 words I don't know well: demeanor, idyllic, flanking, feigned
I’m choosing "idyllic," and the sentence from the novel reads: "Other than Ronnie's preoccupation with her upcoming court appearance, the only blemish on their largely idyllic summer was the continuing presence of Marcus."
Idyllic means: "charmingly simple or rustic"

KPrindle6 said...

MaceyD6: I really want to read that book! Is it good? :)

Ocallen6 said...

I am currently "Wintergirls" by Laurie Halse Anderson.

4 words I don't know: cardiomyopathy, hangar, glycogen, and bradycardia

The word I chose was cardiomyopathy. The sentence is: "Dilated cardiomyopathy, very advanced, had been on the transplant floor longer than anyone."

the definition is: a chronic disease of the heart muscle (myocardium), in which the muscle is abnormally enlarged, thickened, and/or stiffened.

Agatha Christie is a great author! If you haven't already, you should read "And Then There Were None". It's by her:)

KPhillips5 said...

The book I’m now reading is Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet (book 1) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Four words I don’t know: sere, advocated, surmise, jargon

I’m choosing “surmise” and the sentence from the novel reads: “I’ve told you all I know myself now, for the rest is mere surmise and conjecture.”

Surmise means “to suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it”

KPhillips5 said...

MaceyD6: Looking at your books one sentence it seems pretty descriptive with good word choice. Do you know your word torque happens to mean?

BNguyen5 said...

This week I am reading False Memory by Dan Krokos.

Four words I do not know are: amygdala, prefrontal, cortex, and malignant.

The word I chose is malignant and the sentence in the book is: "The malignant psychic energy is gone."

The definition of malignant is "Very dangerous or harmful in influence or effect."

BNguyen5 said...

OCallen6: Isn't the author of your book the author of Twisted as well?

LScammacca6 said...

The book I am reading is Fablehaven Book 5: Keys to the Demon Prison, by Brandon Mull.

Four words I do not know are:
upheaval, vaulted, wane, incompetent

The word I chose is incompetent
Its sentence in the book is:" What you're saying I should believe you because you're incompetent?" (Mull 249)

The definition is incompetent is:
not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable

@AVellis6 - I loved that book! I personally think that Matched (the first book) was more interesting. Good post!

JasunC6 said...

I am reading Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult.

4 words:extricating, alluding, bailiffs, and recoil.

I'm choosing "alluding", and the sentence from the novel reads: "He gets to his feet slowly, extricating leaves from his clothing."

Extricating means "to free or release from entanglement."

TCummings6 said...

I am reading "Safe Haven" by Nicholas Sparks.

4 words I don't know: vacillating, grudgingly, cajoling, conscientious

I'm choosing "conscientious" and the sentence from the novel reads: She leaned into him and breathed into his ear. "That's very conscientious of you."

Conscientious means: "careful; particular; meticulous"

JasunC6 said...

Oops I meant word I am choosing is "extricating"

Enunn5 said...

The book I am currently reading is Perfect Match bu Jodi Picult. Foru words I don't know very well are: provincial, formidable, arraign,and quails.

Provincial in the sentece used is, "He spent twenty years walking into provincial courts."
Provincial means local.

Jchoi6: Great blog!!

Anonymous said...

I just finished Wings by Aprilynne Pike. Four words I didn’t know were the following: tangible, proposition, appraisal, and skeptical. The sentence containing the word appraisal is, “That and the initial appraisal of the rough diamond.” Appraisal means an estimate of value, as for sale, assessment, or taxation; valuation.

HFern6 said...

Sorry, the above one is mine.

HFern6 said...

I love those books so much!!

SThomas6 said...

I am reading The Richest Man in Babylon, by Goeorge S. Clason.

4 words I did not know: allotted, massons, acquittance, pedantic

Allotted "Why wish his spirit beyond its alloted time?"

Allot- to appropriate for a special purpose

SThomas6 said...

HFern: Difficult words. I want to read that book!

FRawlings5 said...

I am reading The Host by Stephanie Meyers

The four words I don’t know well: lucidity, connotation, conciliatory, odorless.

I’m choosing the word lucidity and the sentence says: “I felt the sedation wearing off and lucidity taking its place.”

The word lucidity means the quality of being easily understood; comprehensible

HLee6: Best movie EVER!! I want to read the book so bad!!

LWoodward5 said...

I am reading the Book Theif by Marcus Zusak. Four words I did not know very well are abhorence, triapsing, hiatus,and castigate. I am choosing hiatus and the sentence is, "I should hasten to admit, however, that there was a considerable hiatus between the first stolen book and the second." Hiatus is a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, or action.

MaceyD6: That movie looks so good! I want to read the book before I see the movie though.

DPhan6 said...

I am reading Incarceron by Catherine Fisher.
Four words that I dont well are: Sheen, Calipers, Pockmark, and Laburnum.
I am choosing laburnum and the sentence says "He led her down some stone steps, across a neglected courtyard, into a pathway overarched with yellow hanging laburnum."
Laburnum is a small European tree that has hanging clusters of yellow flowers.

Kam'rnH5 said...

Book: Cherub Mission 1 The Recruit
Author: Robert Muchamore
Words: chairman, embankment,
Sentence: By the time James scrambled back up the embankment there was no sign of anyone
Definition: 1. a bank, mound, dike, or the like, raised to hold back water, carry a roadway, etc.
2. the action of embanking
3. a man-made ridge of earth or stone that carries a road or railway or confines a waterway

Kam'rnH5 said...

oops I forgot a word sorry!
Word: cherub

Kam'rnH5 said...

oops another one double sorry!

Kam'rnH5 said...

DPhan6: Nice words!

RSampson5 said...

The book i=I am reading is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
4 words i don't know: Queer, Mundane, Vexed, Dogma
Sentence from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis: The house they were sent to was very queer, a house unlike no other in England.
Definition: strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different; singular.
FRawlings5: Really good words!

Kaslanidi5 said...

The book I just fininshed reading is 1984 by George Orwell.
Four words that I don't know are: delirium, luridly,haranguing, and orator.
I'm choosing luridly in the sentence that says, " It was night, and the white faces and scarlet banners were luridly floodlit ( Orwell, 180)."
Luridly means "gruesome; horrible; revolting"

Kaslanidi5 said...

MLangston5- I love that book, it's really good!

Astutz5 said...

The book I have read was Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne.
Four words I did not know are: deplore, vouchsafed, alluvial, and cessation.
The word I chose was cessation. “But a deluge of rain was still falling, though with that violence which generally denotes the near cessation of a storm”. Cessation means a temporary or final ceasing.

AStutz5 said...


I liked the works of Sherlock Holmes and i hope you enjoyed them just as much.

REmmons6 said...

I am reading I.Q. by Roland Smith.

4 words i don't know: arboretum, clout, theatrical, rustic.

I'm choosing "theatrical," and the sentence from the book is: "Dirk gave us a theatrical bow and a grin."

Theatrical means "of or pertaining to the theater or dramatic presentations"

JDevoe6: That sounds like an interesting book.

KaylaO said...

The current book I am reading is Charlie St. Cloud, by Ben Sherwood.
The four words are, serenity,dramaturgy, penetrating, and manuscript.
Sentence: The serenity of the aftermath of the tornado was nice.
Definition: the state of being serene

KaylaO said...

The current book I am reading is Charlie St. Cloud, by Ben Sherwood.
The four words are, serenity,dramaturgy, penetrating, and manuscript.
Sentence: The serenity of the aftermath of the tornado was nice.
Definition: the state of being serene

KaylaO said...

The current book I am reading is Charlie St. Cloud, by Ben Sherwood.
The four words are, serenity,dramaturgy, penetrating, and manuscript.
Sentence: The serenity of the aftermath of the tornado was nice.
Definition: the state of being serene

SHutto6 said...

Daniel X:Final Destination by James Patterson

4 words I don't know: Annalist, Galore, Oration, Qualm

I'm choosing "Galore," and the sentence from the novel reads: "Galore courtesy from us down at the shop. Use it wisely."

JChoi6, My book used recoil too but I just didn't use it.

Galore means "in large quantities or numbers"

KaylaO6 said...

TaylorC6: I have trouble with that word!
JasunC6: That's my favorite word.

JasunC6 said...

KaylaO: charlie st cloud is such a good movie! I wonder how the book was...

VanessaG6 said...

I am currently reading Matched by Ally Condie. Four words I don't know are tourniquet, rasped, prodigious, and venture.
Sentence: She ventured out into the blizzard.
Definition: A risky journey or undertaking.

Byoung6 said...

My book is Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. Four words I didn't know was bleating, embers, quarry, and shorn. The sentence is on page one, " Miri woke to the the sleepy bleating of a goat." Bleating means to talk complaint or whine.

@KaylaO6: that's a great book!!

VanessaG6 said...

AStutz5: I love that movie! Which is better the book or the movie?

LJohnston5 said...

Book: CHERUB Mission 5 Divine Madness

Author: Robert Muchamore

Words: gnarled, gangly, plucky, knackered

Sentence: James tried to visualize himself as the plucky underdog, who could come off best like in some kids’ movie.

Definition: Having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties

LJohnston5 said...

@RSampson5: Great vocab choices. Have you read book #1?

CNorton5 said...

Book: Ghosts of War

Author: Ryan Smithson

Words: Conforming, Compulsive, atypical, and Excavator.

Sentence: The EQ guys, we run the dump trucks, dozers, graders, and the Hydraulic Excavator.

Definition:A person who removes earth carefully and systematically from an archaeological site in order to find buried remains.

CNorton5 said...

I have seen that movie and it was amzing!! Is the book like the movie or does it have different scenes in it?